unFIX Foundation workshop

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unFIX Foundation workshop

unFIX Foundation workshop
Den Haag, Rotterdam, Utrecht of Amsterdam (afh.van deelnemers), Netherlands
July 7, 2023 10:00 am β€”
July 8, 2023 6:00 pm CEST

Learning Objectives

  • What is the unFIX model and how to apply its patterns?
  • How do we move beyond agile scaling frameworks?


Some familiarity with agile and lean methods and principles in general. Deep experience is not necessary, but we won’t be explaining basic concepts such as feedback cycles and continuous improvement. πŸ˜‰


  • Format: Short presentations + fun exercises + discussions
  • Warming up: Voting Options β€’ Decision-Making Methods β€’ Human Drives
  • Structure patterns: Basic Crew Types β€’ Experience Management β€’ Base Types β€’ Forum Types β€’ Team Roles β€’ Case Studies
  • Process patterns: Job-to-Be-Done β€’ Value Streams β€’ Cadence β€’ Feedback Loops β€’ Dependency Breakers
  • Scaling patterns: Lifecycle Stages β€’ Investment Horizons β€’ Reteaming Options β€’ Portfolios β€’ Scenarios
  • Other topics: Principles β€’ Scaling Frameworks β€’ Group Sizes β€’ Purpose β€’ OKRs β€’ Habit-Forming β€’ Delegation Levels β€’ Hybrid Working
  • Pioneers Wanted! In this workshop, we are pioneers exploring important questions. We won’t have all the answers yet. But for sure, we make some crucial steps toward the future of work.
  • Creator This workshop is designed by Jurgen Appelo, author of Management 3.0 and Managing for Happiness

Why unfix your organization?

  1. Reshape the business: Continuous improvement goes far beyond IT and beyond software and manufacturing. Innovation is more than just Agile and Lean.
  2. Optimize the experience: Customers don't care about products; they care about progress and happiness. Turn product-focused teams into experience enablers.
  3. Ditch the matrix: There's no speed in classical hierarchies and matrix organizations. Only self-managed units can act fast when faced with crises or opportunities.
  4. Fix the transformation: Clean up the mess created with various agile scaling frameworks. Stop the suffering inflicted by harmful implementation programs.
  5. Stop the imitations: Why implement a structure copied from someone else? Dare to be different. Do your own organization design.
  6. Embrace innovation: New ideas don't come from old approaches. You want continuous evolution of the business. Endless flexibility with just enough structure.
  7. Repurpose the managers: Don't buy into the "no managers" mantra. Turn managers into intrapreneurs and get them to manage the system, not the people.
  8. Give people a tribe: People leave companies that fail to offer them a sense of belonging and a feeling of recognition. Don't be that soulless company.
  9. Enable hybrid working: Work is not a place where people go; it is something they do. Be the company that stops pushing people around and starts getting things done.
  10. Start small, grow big: Disruptive change programs rarely work. Take a more gradual approach and then steadily scale up the transformation.

Den Haag, Rotterdam, Utrecht of Amsterdam (afh.van deelnemers), Netherlands
July 7, 2023 10:00 am β€”
July 8, 2023 6:00 pm CEST
For pioneers and early adopters !
Andy Joghi
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